Incident Response 服务

Are You Ready For The Inevitable?

Breaches used to be a thing to “stop.” 

Now, at a relentless pace, they’re called unavoidable, fated. You 和 your team are expected to respond, investigate, 包含, 和 recover  –  cooly, 平静地, 很快. And now, with Rapid7’s suite of proactive 和 responsive Incident Response services, you can.

You’ll have access to world-class technical expertise 和 technologies. Our teams work closely with your in-house 和 outsourced teams through every stage of incident response, from pre-incident planning 和 preparation through analysis, 包含ment, remediation, 和 cleanup.

Need Immediate Assistance?

Call our Breach Response Team, globally at:


Top Incident Response tools 和 experts on your team

Rapid7’s Incident Response 服务 help organizations of any maturity, 大小, 和 skillset better prepare for 和 manage a breach. Our team combines a proven Digital Forensic 和 Incident Response (DFIR) methodology with industry-leading experts 和 technology to help you develop, 运行, or improve every stage of your incident response program, from detection 和 analysis, right on through cleanup.

Led by humans, amplified by technology

It’s humans 和 machines, each doing what they do best, 和 fully dedicated to giving bad guys the boot. Our global, 24x7 team of incredibly skilled, versatile incident response pros is always armed with award-winning technology 和 an unmatched underst和ing of threats, forensics 和 triage, malware analysis, 和 attacker behavior—和 always ready to tackle any IR challenge. Whether you need help managing an ongoing breach, or taking steps to get ahead of a potential one, we can help you take back control of your environment 和 program.

Attackers are gone once, 和 gone forever

Our proven incident response methodology ensures the attackers are gone from your environment 和 reveals steps you can take to keep them from getting back in. It’s a unique approach that also helps us better underst和 attackers at large—valuable insight that informs 和 advances all of our IR services 和 ensures greater success for our customers.

Incident Response 服务

Whatever your incident response needs, Rapid7 offers proactive 和 responsive services to give you the confidence to remain cool, 平静, 和 collected while managing a potential crisis.

IR Program Development

Attackers are constantly evolving. To ensure you’re always prepared, you need a plan, 和 you need to review it regularly. Our experts will evaluate your environment—from technology 和 assets to people, processes, 和 policy—to rate your current capabilities 和 offer relevant, business-based recommendations to help you meet (和 exceed) your IR program goals. Need to build your program from the ground-up? We can help with that, too. Our IR Program Development offering can be customized to help build or improve your aptitude in any facet of incident response.

Learn More About IR Program Development

Detection 和 Response Workshop

This program puts your detection-和-response capabilities to the test against a live, emulated attack within your environment. The goal of this workshop is to evaluate how well your unique detection 和 response capabilities 和 current IR plan work to ensure your team can recognize 和 properly respond to an attack. Our experts will help your team underst和 how current security measures 和 controls h和le the breach while providing coaching to strengthen your approach to incident response.

Compromise Assessment

From verifying compromise to validating remediation efforts, a Compromise Assessment can confirm your house is clean (or not). By 应用ing threat intelligence 和 behavioral analytics with innovative hunting techniques, our experts assess your environment to identify any signs of attacker activity, past or present, 和 provide recommendations to bolster your defenses 和 further harden your environment against even advanced threats.

Breach Response

Need immediate help with a breach? Call us at 1-844-RAPID-IR (1-844-727-4347). Our incident response team is ready to collaborate closely with your in-house team to investigate incidents, document findings, 和 recommend the right remediation activities to help ensure attackers are out 和 can’t find their way back in. Our incident response consultants can collaborate with your critical stakeholders, ensuring various parts of the business are making key considerations throughout the response process.

Rapid7 Retainer

An incident response retainer is an easy way to keep IR experts on st和by. In the event of a compromise, retainer customers alert the Rapid7 team, who respond within one hour to gather details 和 discuss planned incident response activities. All technical investigations are done remotely, 和 are ready to begin as soon as our InsightAgent can be deployed (or access given to detection 和 response systems). Retainers are available in 40 hour blocks, 和 in the (hopeful) event they’re not needed for breach response, can be repurposed into a variety of other Rapid7 professional services. Give us a call, 和 we’ll set you up with a project manager who can help you assess which services are right for your organization. We can then connect you with the best consultants to get you started on the path to stronger incident response.